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San Andres y Sauces - middle centre in the northeast

While the village of San Andres is peacefully situated directly on the coast, the real centre of the municipality of Los Sauces with the 16th century church Montserrat, which overlooks everything, holds Flemish art treasures and whose forecourt is often used for a chat and a small meal. Opposite the church square is another plaza in the shape of the park Antonio Herrera decorated with large araucaria and other tropical plants.
Those who would like to take a bath can do so in the easily accessible sea bath with its protected seawater pool for all ages. There is also a restaurant here and a few minutes away the new harbour of San Andres with its sandy beach invites you to sunbath in absolute peace.
With around 4,500 inhabitants, the municipality is the centre for the villages of Los Gallegos to Puntallana and is easy to reach via the newly built connecting road.

Das Zentrum von Los Sauces mit der Kirche 'Montserrat' aus dem 16. Jahrhundert
The centre of Los Sauces with the 16th century church'Montserrat
Der Park 'Antonio Herrera' im Zentrum von Los Sauces mit dem Rathaus …
The park 'Antonio Herrera' in the centre of Los Sauces with the town hall…
… und tropischer Bepflanzung.
... and tropical planting.
Das Meerschwimbad 'Charco Azul' lädt zum gut geschützten Bad bei jedem Wetter …
The sea swimming pool 'Charco Azul' invites to a well protected bath in any weather…
… oder auch zum Essen mit herrlichem Atlantikblick.
... or also for dinner with a wonderful view of the Atlantic.
Nur das Geräusch der Wellen ist zu vernehmen …
Only the sound of the waves can be heard…
… wenn Sie sich zum benachbarten 'Puerto Espindola' begeben …
... if you go to the neighbouring'Puerto Espindola'…
… finden Sie auch einen noch völlig einsamen Badestrand.
... you will also find a completely lonely beach.

Roque de Los Muchachos

The 'Roque de los Muchachos' at 2.426 m is the highest elevation of La Palma and hosts the most important international observatory of the northern hemisphere. Here is a real high mountain climate, in winter the 'Roque', as the locals call it, is often covered with a snow or ice cap. The observatory is the cause of the only light protection law in the world that exists on La Palma and because of which we are protected from neon or laser advertising. On the Roque you will not only find what is currently (2013) the world's largest reflector telescope with a diameter of 10,40 m; it is also the starting point for many hiking trails through impressive rock formations and the most diverse climatic zones. From the roof of the island you can usually see the neighbouring islands of Tenerife (with Spain's highest mountain, the Teide), as well as La Gomera and El Hierro. A visit is worthwhile at all seasons, in winter, however, you should pay attention to the signs that indicate the obligation to use snow chains if necessary.

Der höchste Punkt des Roque - alte Vulkanschlote, die Wind und Wetter trotzen
The highest point of the Roque - old volcanic vents defying wind and weather
Den Sternen noch näher - Blick vom Roque in das Aridanetal …
Even closer to the stars - view from the Roque into the Aridane valley…
… auf die ganze Pracht der Milchstraße …
... to the whole splendour of the Milky Way…
… El Paso …
… El Paso …
… oder zum Polarstern und das Örtchen El Tablado.
... or to Polaris and the village El Tablado.
Glasklare Luft in der Morgensonne
Crystal clear air in the morning sun
Die Kuppeln der Teleskope, weithin sichtbare Wahrzeichen des Roque
The domes of the telescopes, landmarks of the Roque
Hightech in archaischem Umfeld
High-tech in an archaic environment
Wachablösung zwischen Sonne und Mond
Changing the watch between the sun and moon
Schnellstverstellbare Spiegelteleskope
Fastest adjustable reflector telescopes
Weithin sichtbare Wahrzeichen, gesehen von El Tablado
Landmarks visible from afar, seen from El Tablado
Rasende Wolkenformationen
Raging cloud formations
Karge Hochgebirgsvegetation
barren high mountain vegetation
Blick ins Aridanetal
View into the Aridane valley
Gestaffelte Gebirgszüge
Staggered mountain ranges
Tuff und Basalt, Baumaterial La Palmas
Tuff and basalt, building material La Palmas
Säulenbasalt, der einst in großen Tiefen unter dem Meeresboden entstand, nun in luftiger Höhe
Columned basalt, once formed at great depths under the sea floor, now at lofty heights.
Wolkenfälle und satte Gesteinsfarben
Cloud falls and rich rock colours
Die Nachbarinsel Tenerife 'über den Wolken'
The neighbouring island of Tenerife 'above the clouds'
Botanische Versuchsfelder im Hochgebirge
Botanical experimental fields in the high mountains
Und immer wieder faszinierende und schnell wechselnde Wolkenformationen
And again and again fascinating and rapidly changing wok formations
… genießen …
... enjoy …
… und erleben.
... and experience.
Blick nach Breña Alta
View to Breña Alta
Der Teide, Spaniens höchster Berg
The Teide, Spain's highest mountain
In der Abendsonne glüht der Ginster
The broom glows in the evening sun
Zwischen Baumgrenze und vegetationsfreier Zone verzaubert ein Ginster mit leuchtender Farbe
Between tree line and vegetation-free zone enchants a broom with bright color
Und wieder einmal sind wir über den Wolken
And once again we are above the clouds

© 2012 by Bernd y Nadja Blume. Copias de los textos o fotos, igual que sean digital o imprimido sólo son permitido con la licencia por escrito de los autores.

Los Llanos de Aridane
San Andres y Sauces
Santa Cruz
Puerto Naos
El Paso