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Puerto Naos - beach under coconut palms

Puerto Naos, part of Los Llanos, is the most famous seaside resort on the west coast of La Palma. Its sandy beach, several hundred metres long and very wide, is partly shaded by coconut palms, along the promenade you will find cafés, restaurants, boutiques and small shops.
Paragliders often land on a place separated from the beach and enjoy the flight on the cliffs of La Palma.
Swimming is possible all year round, but you should respect the red flag, which indicates a bathing ban, because the Atlantic Ocean burns unhindered to our beautiful island and demands attention.

Strandpromenade zum Bummeln und Schlemmen

Beach promenade for strolling and feasting

Palmengesäumter Strand an dem es immer genügend Platz gibt.

Palm-lined beach where there is always enough space.

Des milde Klima läßt auch Kokosnüsse reifen

The mild climate also makes coconuts ripen

Badefreuden für Individualisten

Bathing pleasure for individualists

Fragile Strandkunst …

Fragile beach art …

… und beeindruckende Atlantikwellen. Solch ein Seegang ist selten, jedoch um so beeindruckender

... and impressive Atlantic waves. Such a swell is rare, but all the more impressive

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